You are far more than just a mind residing in a physical body. You are a multidimensional being, living in a world full of possibilities.
In our fast-paced world, we find ourselves constantly balancing family, work and social obligations. More often than not, we are consumed by our minds and thoughts, leaving little or no room to pay attention to our physical body or our soul and what they both are trying to tell us. These precious messages can be neglected and often overlooked, due to this constant mind chatter and this neglect can lead to a gradual accumulation of stress, tension and a state of DIS-EASE, eventually manifesting as physical pain, illness and overall disease.
Collectively, the 3 workshops are designed to teach you how to become aware of all of the elements that create who you are as a human being. All elements of “the self” – the Body, the Mind and the Soul.
Throughout each full day session, you’ll delve into the essence of each aspect of your being. Through a blend of various techniques you will learn effective and powerful techniques to ground yourself in your physical being, quieten your mind and connect with who you truly are. Through learning these practices, you’ll tap into your boundless potential for self-realisation, manifestation and self-healing.
On completion of each workshop (3 days each), you will leave with not only a greater understanding of the “Multidimensional Being” that you are, living in a world full of possibilities, you’ll also have a toolbox of practices to allow you to continue the exploration of your Body, Mind and Soul.